
《Facebook效应》(The Facebook Effect)的作者David Kirkpatrick曾经说过,腾讯(Tencent)是威胁到Facebook的公司,它在全球社交网站排名已经是第二位了,只是腾讯(Tencent)还没有想出该如何进入国际市场。在收入增长放缓的大趋势之下,腾讯(Tencent)怎样发展海外市场显得更为紧要,而这也关系到全球移动互联网的新一轮竞争中,腾讯(Tencent)的成败。笔者为你整理一下腾讯(Tencent)的国际化战略,反映中国互联网公司进入国际市场的困境与机会。


不管是向俄罗斯风险投资基金DST注资3亿美元,间接的成为了Facebook,Groupon,Zynga等互联网新秀的股东,还是以30多亿人民币的价格收购了美国游戏开发商Riot Games,包括购入MIH印度环球网络公司股份。近2年的时间里。腾讯(Tencent)已经收购超过100起海外项目,积极拓展腾讯(Tencent)国际化的空间。




wechat English download

腾讯(Tencent)在微信(Wechat)国际化上的一系列布局正透露出明显的战略意图:微信(Wechat)将撑起腾讯(Tencent)国际化的大旗,腾讯(Tencent)CEO 马化腾显然有有志在海外开展大型广告活动推广微信(Wechat)。最新的消息是微信(Wechat)正在测试 4.0 版本,将会开放API、打通 Facebook。其3.5版本又新增了分享QR Code到Facebook功能,同时支持海外100多个地区手机短信注册微信(Wechat)帐号。而在腾讯(Tencent)发布的一季度财报中透露,对韩国手机聊天应用KakaoTalk的投资4.03亿元,获得13.84%的股权,KakaoTalk被称为“韩国版微信(Wechat)”。



Wechat FAQ

最近腾讯(Tencent)的国际化路线已经开始显现:网络游戏重心在韩国。腾讯(Tencent)已经联手韩国风险投资基金Capstone Partners出资184亿韩元,连续投资了7家韩国游戏公司。2008年初Capstone Partners运营Capstone风险投资基金已经得到腾讯(Tencent)的100亿韩元投资。


特别在收购了美国Riot Games和Gamegoo的股份之后,腾讯(Tencent)依托韩国市场,攻占全球游戏业的路线明显。事实上,韩国游戏市场已经饱合,腾讯(Tencent)的意图在于利用韩国本土的研发优势和运营技术,制作出精美的游戏,进攻海外市场。刚刚公布的一季度财报显示,网络游戏收入比上一季度增长19.4%,除强劲的国内假日经济增长之外,游戏“英雄联盟(League of Legends)”等在美国、欧洲和韩国等地区的用户增长十分的强劲。






Wechat FAQ

What is Wechat?

Wechat is a fashionable and new mobile communication tool. It supports 1) sending voice, video, photo and text messages; 2) group chatting and 3) finding people nearby according to location data. It works on iOS, Android and Symbian devices.


What can Wechat do for me?

With Wechat, you can chat with your friends instantly via voice messages, as well as texts and images. You can also create a group chat to chat with several friends together.


Is Wechat Free?

It’s free to download, install and use Wechat. However, you may need to pay your carrier for internet service.


Is there any distance restriction for voice messages?

No. You can chat with friends anywhere.


How to register?

You can login to Wechat with your QQ ID directly or sign up with your phone number or email address.


I’ve entered the correct password but got a “wrong password” notice.

The reason may be: 1) you are using Wechat 2.0 or older version or 2) you have changed your QQ password within 2 hours. To solve this problem, you can 1) upgrade to 2.1 or later version or 2) login to Wechat 2 hours later.


How to retrieve my password?

Click “Forgot Password?” in login page and follow the instructions. However, you may not retrieve the password if you registered with an email address and failed to confirm it in time.


Will Wechat contacts see my QQ ID?

If you login to Wechat with QQ ID, your QQ ID will not be shown to your Wechat contacts.


What’s the difference between Wechat ID and Wechat Name?

Wechat ID is your unique ID in Wechat. It should contain 6 or more characters and cannot be changed once set. Nickname is your name shown to other Wechat users. It can be changed whenever you like.


How can I find my friends?

You can search them via their Wechat IDs directly or find who are using Wechat in Recommend.


How to delete message history?

You can delete a single message or the entire conversation. For touch-screen mobile, just tap and hold the message or conversation. For keyboard mobile, please select Options -> Delete.


How do I know whether my message is read by the recipient?

Sorry, there is no way to know about that. This is privacy information of the other user and we cannot disclose this information.



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