根据网络上的现有信息,其实6月12日、15日犯罪嫌疑人Brendt Christensen都被FBI谈过话。
这位犯罪嫌疑人说不记得带过这个女生(On June 12, authorities located Christensen’s Astra in the 2500 block of West Springfield Avenue. When questioned at the time, Christensen told authorities he could not recall where he was at the time Zhang was last seen, according to the affidavit.)。
6月14日,确定车是Brendt Christensen的。
(But based on further review of surveillance footage, including a cracked front-passenger hubcap, authorities determined Christensen’s Astra to be the same one that picked up Zhang. They obtained a search warrant for it on June 14.)
6月15日,犯罪嫌疑人Brendt Christensen被查水表(interviewed)。
Brendt Christensen说他带了章莹颖,走错路了,让她觉得恐慌,但是在几个街区之外让章莹颖下车了,然后他被放了。(Christensen allegedly claimed that “he believed he made a wrong turn because the female became panicked.” He claimed that he then let the female out of the vehicle in a residential area a few blocks away from where he picked her up.)
6月29日,犯罪嫌疑人Brendt Christensen露出马脚,被抓,承认犯罪。
后来一直被被监视,直到星期四(6月29日)被监听到显示他绑架了章莹颖的证据才被抓起来[1](Authorities said they think Zhang is no longer alive based on audio FBI agents heard of Christensen, under surveillance Thursday, describing how he kidnapped her and what the bureau described only as “other facts uncovered during the investigation of this matter.” ),而且曾(4月)访问了一些与绑架内容有关的网站(“perfect abduction fantasy” and “planning a kidnapping.”[2])。
The affidavit alleges that Christensen’s phone accessed the abduction threads on a site called FetLife. FetLife’s home page reads, “FetLife is the Social Network for the BDSM, Fetish & Kinky Community. Like Facebook, but run by kinksters like you and me. We think it is more fun that way. Don’t you?”
The thread has more than 3,000 members. The other thread authorities accuse Christensen of visiting is entitled “planning a kidnapping” and contains a post from someone else that reads, “I’m a lucky sub. I actually have a friend who is going to kidnap me. She also has 3 helpers. The catch is we’ve never done this before. Suggestions thoughts and ideas for the actual abduction are most welcome. We need help lol.”
1. 尽量自己买车开车,美国大部分地方的公交很垃圾,间隔太长,公交车上也经常有一些行为奇怪、神态异常的人。
2. 不要搭任何人的车,除非你跟那个人特别认识。
3. 不要去高危地点,租房子不要挑便宜的,至于哪里高危,一些网站可以查犯罪地图(例如:Helping You Build a Safer Community (https://www.crimemapping.com/); CrimeReports™(https://www.crimereports.com/))。
4. 日落而息,尽量避免晚上在户外活动(虽然这回是白天)。
5. 至于远离高危人群,并不能避免全部危险,比如这回。
6. 不要轻易开车门或者房门,如果是警察,也必须要求他出示搜查证,或者你直接打911把其他警察叫来。
7. 尽量避免单独行动,外出与可靠的人(虽然什么是可靠不好说)一起,虽然有时候并没有卵用,但是可以降低风险。