在权力的游戏第8季第四集中,我们知之甚少,尽管有一个场景被描述为涉及Brienne和Jaime,其中包括与亡灵并肩作战。这意味着临冬城之战并没有结束异鬼的威胁。 David Nutter,前两个参赛作品的导演和第四个参赛者,拍摄了一些似乎只适合这里的君临场景,因为雪诺在南方与瑟曦相遇。此外,席恩必须尝试在某些时候拯救雅拉,尽管第二集看起来和这个一样合适。
臭名昭着的例外是在Beyond the Wall,当时詹德利和一只乌鸦足够快地警告龙妈,那些怀疑的猎人被围墙外的死者包围,并且当她到达时,该党仍被困在同一个对峙中没有明确的时间流逝。这不再是节奏偏好的问题,而是逻辑,或至少是清晰的故事叙述。如果我们原本应该相信狩猎队在那个岛上存活了几天,那当然不清楚。
随着“权力的游戏”第8季越来越接近,我认为最好在我们最新的采访综述中获得一些乐趣。当然,很多演员和工作人员正在谈论(和谈话),但为什么不真正匹配两个角色,他们的命运肯定会以某种方式交织在一起?我当然是在谈论Tarth的布蕾妮(格温多兰·克里斯蒂)和詹姆·兰尼斯特(尼可拉·科斯特-瓦尔道)。在Emerald City Comic Con,格温多兰对她的职业生涯进行了彻底的采访,对GOT感动很自然。与此同时,尼可拉与现代奢侈品公司谈论了詹姆的优点和缺点(我们知道两者都有很多。)让我们潜入……
权力的游戏第八季第三集将会是即将创造影视剧战争戏历史记录的的人类与异鬼主力遭遇的“临冬城保卫战/Battle of Winterfell”,将会是整整一个小时,虽然时长只有60分钟,和第六季的“私生子之战/Battle of Bastards”,但更加惨烈悲壮,而且将是大电影级别,仅这一场戏拍摄了连续55个晚上,制作规模已经创造了影视拍摄记录。而且权力的游戏第八季第三集会和《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》(2019)全球公映同一个周末撞期,最好的好莱坞大片和最好的美剧神作准备争抢观众喽。令北境钢铁侠百思不得其解的是,如果冰与火之战注定是终极决战,为什么是权力的游戏第八季第三集,剧情进度才一半,就开始生死决战了呢?第一种可能:临冬城作为北境扼守异鬼南下中原的最后要塞,也是人类最大的兵力投放,全部的龙、多斯拉克骑兵、无垢军团、北境军队、所有的龙晶、瓦雷利亚武器来对抗十万异鬼大军,北境付出惨重代价的情况下,灭了异鬼主力,这会是一场史诗级的战争戏(第3集)。但是夜王暂时撤走,很快卷土重来就会是高手对决,预言中的王子出世与夜王对决。
(权力的游戏第八季后面某集)第二种可能:临冬城一战,彻底打败了异鬼军团,剩下的不足为患。之后剧集开始清理善后异鬼的起源和余孽,不再重要,而重头戏开始回到龙家狮子家族的权力游戏,因为如果最后一集才打败异鬼,这是一部灾难戏,而最后一集打败人性,才是权力的游戏。权力的游戏第八季第五、六集都达到了80分钟,第八季最长, 同时也是平了1-7季的记录,目前最长的一集是第7季的最后一集“龙与狼/THe Dragon and the Wolf”,而权力的游戏第八季我们有两集这样子的“巨无霸”,甚至三集,因为权力的游戏第八季第四集也有78分钟。要知道一般的电影是90分钟-100分钟时长,至少一年才一次,而今年我们将看至少三部“大电影”,每周一部哦,是不是太过分了,Woof Woof。北境钢铁侠《权力的游戏第八季》将于美国时间4月14日开播,第二天,一般就可以拿到高清熟肉看。
二.死尸蜘蛛在权力的游戏前七季只出现过一次,布兰卧床康复时老奶奶讲的恐怖故事中提到“他们席卷了城市和王国,骑着死去的马,像带着猎犬一样带着巨型冰蜘蛛狩猎。”(They swept through cities and kingdoms, riding their dead horses, hunting with their packs of pale spiders big as hounds…),老奶奶讲的话全部在之后被证实,只有死尸蜘蛛没有出现,权力的游戏第八季死尸蜘蛛是时候展现实力了。
三.在权力的游戏第7季艰难屯之战和Hold the door 之战,我们知道异鬼是直腿、大踏步、大皮鞋踏地、慢速行走,踏步声音很大,即使是和雪诺两次一对一决斗时也没有快跑,只有跳跃和闪避比较快,因此二丫完全没必要在地窖中跑得那么快。不仅快,还没有声音,显然不是异鬼,很可能是悄无声息的蜘蛛。
当她掌握了最后一季的剧本时,克拉克说她“花了三个小时漫无目的地走在伦敦周围试图处理它。”她告诉The New Paper,“因为它是最后一个,你去读它与你在任何其他季节阅读的心态不同……它可能一直在下雨,我本来就是走进去,不知道该怎么办。所以是的,这是一个很好的……上个赛季的每一个部分都是一个惊喜。结束。如果我说更多,我会被告知。“
预告片浪费时间,让我们直接进入权力的游戏第8季第3集Winterfell战斗的行动,由showrunners David Benioff和D.B.编写。 Weiss由权力经验丰富的Miguel Sapochnik执导,他曾执行过“Hardhome”和“Bastards之战”等令人惊叹的设计,以及许多其中最好的即使不是最佳剧集之一,“The Winds of the Winds of the冬天。“在这些早期镜头中,我们看到Arya,带着血腥的眼睑,完全恐慌,慢慢平静下来,直到我们所能看到的一切都是有信心的 – 显然有足够的信念穿过Winterfell的黑暗大厅。
“我们建造了Winterfell的这个巨大的新部分,并且最初认为,’我们将在这里和这部分拍摄这部分’,并且基本上将它分解成如此多的片段,它将像Marvel电影一样拍摄,从未有任何流动或即兴创作,“萨波奇尼克说。 “即使在”星球大战“中,他们也会构建该组的某些部分,然后添加巨大的绿屏元素。这是有道理的。这样做效率很高。但我转向制片人并说,’我不想做11周的夜间射击而没有其他人这样做。但是,如果我们不这样做,我们就会失去让权力的游戏变得酷酷的东西,那就是感觉真实。“Showrunner David Benioff对此表示赞同:”当你快速切割时,你可以说它完全是在后期制作中组装的。这不是演出的风格,也不是米格尔的风格。“
To be fair, Tyrion looks like this a lot of the time, but here he seems especially uneasy, his brow furrowed so tightly it might snap off his face. He’s probably pretty worried about the precarious Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen alliance/romance, and how Sansa Stark will receive it. And, of course, his sister, Cersei—one of the most powerful people in Westeros—has long wanted him dead.
Expression: “What hath I wrought?”
Here, Cersei, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms (for the time being), appears to have tears welling up in her eyes. Perhaps she’s beginning to realize the full extent of misery created by her thirst for power. Some fans are speculating that she will suffer a miscarriage in the final season (in the seventh season, she revealed to her brother-lover Jaime Lannister that she was pregnant). In any case, Cersei is not having a good day.
Expression: Unwaveringly loyal to Sansa while also looking like she’s just seen a ghost
Brienne has seen some stuff. At times she looks like she’s the only character on the show who really understands what’s going on, even if she’s more or less powerless to change anything. She watches, silently, from afar, somehow looking simultaneously resolute and terrified.
Expression: “I can no longer process emotion”
After becoming the “Three-Eyed Raven” (and receiving all the knowledge that comes with that), Bran pretty much looks just like, this no matter what’s going on around him. The Game of Thrones version of Doctor Manhattan from Watchmen, Bran cares not for the petty concerns of humanity. His mind is elsewhere, rendering his face a creepily nondescript husk of its former self—a portrait personified.
Expression: “Hello darkness, my old friend”
If there’s anyone on this show who understands tragedy, it’s Davos, who has had to endure the death of a son as well as the heinous sacrifice of Shireen Baratheon, who was like a daughter to him. He’s rightfully cautious about the people with whom he associates, but trouble always seems to be right around the corner for the “Onion Knight.”
Expression: “I really don’t want to die again”
Everyone’s favorite undead hero puts the woe in woebegone, the fallen in crestfallen. He is a profoundly sad young man, incessantly wrestling with his identity and his place in a world he never totally understood. That sadness has been compounded now that he’s King in the North and has the weight of a kingdom on his shoulders. Just don’t let this guy die for a second time, HBO. Our hearts can’t take it.
Expression: “Thank U, Next”
Sansa is just done with these dumb guys ruining everything. We wouldn’t necessarily call this look “sad”—it’s closer to “annoyed” or “weary.” Right as she was starting to take control of Winterfell (after orchestrating the execution of perennial trickster Littlefinger), Jon and Dany are going to waltz right in and try to take over the place.
Expression: “Hi, yes, you there—interested in me killing you? No? I’m sorry to hear that.”
To be honest, we don’t want to look at this photo of Arya any longer than we have to, because it’s scary. She looks like she’s found her next target for assassination. We wouldn’t want to be whoever’s on the other end of that menacing stare.
Expression: “You know I’m scheming right now, but you can’t stop me”
This is the face of the man plotting dozens of chess moves in his head while he takes a leisurely stroll around the castle walls. But, maybe, just maybe, there’s a hint of anxiety on that smug face. The final season could pose a problem that even Varys can’t manipulate his way out of.
Expression: “I think I’m scared of myself now?”
Daenerys’s expression looks like it’s in the middle of transforming from a smile into a panicked frown. Her mouth might be smiling, but her eyes tell a different story. Something is bothering the Mother of Dragons.
Expression: “I’m finally relevant to the plot”
Poor Sam: He’s been through so much, only for him to still be a secondary character mostly operating away from the main action of the show. He spent a chunk of one season changing bedpans. But now Sam’s got juicy intel, baby! At the end of last season, Sam found out that Jon is in fact a Targaryen by blood and thus the true heir to the Iron Throne. And you best believe he’s going to do something with that information.
Expression: “I would very much like to die now”
Jaime is one of the few characters on the show whose morality has actually improved over the course of the eight seasons. Once a self-satisfied, murderous douche, Jaime has transformed into, arguably, the moral compass of the show. But everywhere he turns, he’s surrounded by evil, most of all in the form of his sister and lover, Cersei. Jamie puts on a happy face, but we all know he’s dying a slow, miserable death inside.
《权力的游戏》比历史上任何一部电视剧都做得更好,尤其是大多数电影。《私生子之战》仍然是巅峰之作,是一部混乱、幽闭恐怖的力作,而上一季的Battle of The Goldroad或第五季的Hardhome也紧随其后。但是,就像其他任何在圣诞节期间过度食用薄荷和奶油的人会证明的那样,太多的好东西会让你生病。战斗需要喘息的空间。我们不需要每集都有一场大战。控制。
如果你再次回想第一季,几乎每一次谈话都会有人在最近的镜头前秀出自己的绝技。有一次,小指头想从他的体制里逃出来,可是当时他正在妓院里,罗丝和臂章在躺椅上呻吟的声音使他莫名其妙地逃了出来。这是免费的,而且有点尴尬。幸运的是,自从《山雀与龙》(tits and dragons)被贬斥之后,这部剧已经走过了很长一段路,如今它也不那么急于证明自己是成年人了。希望它不会倒退太多。
在40个角色中,我最终选择了16个,我想我能坚持到最后。没错,只有16个。不是很多人。虽然我确实在Twitter上进行了一些民意调查,但这些预测大多来自我,贝丝·埃尔德金(Beth Elderkin),一个观看HBO电视剧《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)的人。虽然我对其中很多都很有信心,但我相信这部剧一定会让我大吃一惊。我没有把龙和冰原狼也包括在内,但总而言之,它们会没事的。除了冰龙。他的冰烤面包。