

在国外视频网站Youtube上的IT专家「EverythingApplePro」在视频中表示,「EverythingApplePro」发现iPhone有个问题,就是只要收到「vincedes3.vcf」这个档案,iMessage就会瞬间当掉,失去任何反应,就算重新开启也没改善,手机画面只有一片空白,手机完全不能使用,「vincedes3.vcf可以在网站上下载到,并使用iCloud Drive来发送给其他人,让开启者的iMessage当掉。」

经过专家测试以后也发现,受Bug影响的苹果系统从ios9、ios10 、ios10.2.1都有,问题已经回报给苹果公司。专家也告诉中标的人不用太过紧张,因为只要通过打开另一个连接就能恢复正常,但是艾薇资讯在这里还是要提醒用户接收讯息的时候务必提高警戒,不要打开不明的内容。
Hey ! After the revelation of my bug by EverythingApplePro, I think it’s better to explain how it work. Work on ios 8 to ios 10.2.1 beta2 (latest version now)

First, if you don’t know about what i talk, see this video:

Don’t try this if you don’t know what you do

I am not responsible if you break your device

Download the file here: http://vincedes3.com/vincedes3.vcf
Upload it to iCloud Drive, Dropbox etc.. (just if you want to keep it)
Share the file to send it via Message
Send it to your victim
Wait for the victim click on it, the Message application freeze and don’t work anymore.
Fix the app with this magical link:http://vincedes3.com/save.html

How it’s work ?

It’s lot of text loaded by ios and crash the app.

When you click, ios want to read the text, the text in the file is very complicated for the system and cause a CPU average: the app freeze. You close the app, want to reopen but ios want to reload the previous message but can’t because it’s the vcf file.

All of the code is here:

VCF file: vincedes3.com/vincedes3.vcf

Fix link: vincedes3.com/save.html

Another fix: See the post on Twitter:https://twitter.com/vincedes3/status/814417544807378944

Another fix 2: See the post on Twitter

There seems to be a problem with some iPad where the fix does not work. I can’t do anything about this :/ Try the alternate fix or DM on Twitter.

Code in TXT: vincedes3.com/crashtext.txt

Code in HTML (for copy on ios): http://vincedes3.com/crashtext.html

My video of demo:


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